Why I am writing this on English?
Just because I want.
Who cares?

Well ... I'll write in the first person.

I slowly come back online. So slow that I could not move. Just stood there paralyzed.
I activate my optics. And at once, bright light make me blind. I cannot see nothing...
But I feel like someone is holding my hand's.
The vision gradually returned and ... yes, I see.
On the one side - Overlord, on the other - Lobe.
So strictly looking at each other, bare one's dent's.
They hate each other. And I - between them.
Suddenly, they both my hands squeeze harder, and in unison say:
- You're hurting him.
Hurts me? Yes, my spark painful throbbing. But, I'm fine. It's all right.
It's always all right.
And again in one voice I hear:
- Get off of him.
They did not sees me. And I still cannot move. I can not say anything.
And they so painful squeeze my hands.

I want to wake up.